04 April 2007

Blue Moon and other news

Blue Moon, originally uploaded by lucky lady emily.

I know, it's not that exotic or unusual. And now we have TV commercials knocking fruit in beer. Well phooey on you, I say. That citrus slice makes beer like this so much more happily palatable.

I'm not one to drink vodka on a regular basis, but Daniel is a lover of the Belvedere and whilst visiting him, I managed to consume a largish amount. Well, it is smooth as silk going down, but it hits you over the head with a cast-iron pan eventually.

I didn't mind because then Daniel bought me a Herbie Hancock CD the next day. That's worth a hangover. = )

05 March 2007


Yum, originally uploaded by lucky lady emily.

I know it's not really a beer. It is, however, the most delicious and invigorating carbonated beverage I can think of. This is ginger beer, with really quite a punch of spicy flavor. The culinary possibilities with this one are really boundless, especially for meat-eaters.

Mixed with dark rum on the rocks it makes a "Dark and Stormy." Dee-lish.

23 February 2007


Japanese beer, originally uploaded by lucky lady emily.

This Japanese beer, called Hitachina Nest, is an IPA that matures in cedar casks. The cedar flavor is pretty overwhelming though. The bottle is cute and round (like someone we all know) but no icy-cold temperature can offset the taste.

First post, though definitely not the first beer.

02-23-07_2009, originally uploaded by lucky lady emily.

I found it to be light, and slightly spicy. Enjoyable, but completely unpalatable when slightly warmed. Had already finished pizza prior to starting this bottle so I can't comment on how well it meshes with grease. A good overall choice, really.